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How long does a pool inspection typically take? (average size, in ground, residential swimming pool)

Less than one hour
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
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Question: How long does a pool inspection typically take? (average size, in ground, residential swimming pool)
Top Answer (68% of 22 votes): 1-2 hours.

Answer: Less than one hour
Explanation: With an experienced inspector who also repairs equipment and has over 25 years in doing inspections the drive time can take longer than the inspection. We are trained to look for all the obvious 1st then start looking closer when done in a consistent pattern using a checklist. 1 hour is tops for a pool and spa combo. The customer briefing can take longer.
AAA Pool Inspector
Answer: 1-2 hours
Explanation: The pool inspection if comprehensive covering all equipment and the pool shell. The electrical system is inspected as well as bonding of the pool equipment. I also do a brief orientation with the customer explaining the general operation of the pool system.
Pool Inspections by Howard
Answer: 1-2 hours
Explanation: I would say a couple of hours. Depends on type and size and type of inspection.
North State Inspections
Answer: 1-2 hours
Explanation: Approx time to fully inspect the pool should take about 1-2 hours. more if something is found out to be an issue or pool is larger than initially stated
JKM Home Inspections
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